Viktor Winschel


Viktor Winschel has studied economics and has received his PhD from the University of Mannheim in 2005 on the theory of exchange rate regimes, optimal currency areas (like or unlike the Euro zone) and econometrics. A core feature or problem therein are circularities (or self-references or reflexivities) that naturally arise in societies and humans who reason about each other. Circularities, like sets containing themselves, are not handled in standard mathematics and mathematical economics but have been developed in theoretical computer science for the semantics of programing languages. Viktor is now adopting these tools based on category theory and coalgebras for game theory, macroeconomics and econometrics in order to accomodate the circular nature of money and its aspects of belief and network formation, epistemics, reputation, value creation, securitization or speculative attacks on central banks.

Tobias Heindel
Research Scholar. Tobias’s research has been revolving around logic, verification, and category theory.
Liang-Ting Chen
Former postdoc. Interested in categorical structures in computer science.
Toshiki Kataoka
Researh student. Toshiki is interested in category theory and categorical logic...
Simon Willerton
Member. He now often thinks a lot about category theory and is partly responsible for the Catster YouTube videos on category theory.
Catherine Meadows
Member. Interested in algebras and logics of security systems...
Viktor Winschel
Member. Viktor is applying categorical tools to macroeconomics...
Yingfei Dong
Member. His current research interests are mostly in secure Internet architectures and network security...
Depeng Li
Member. Dr. Li's research interests span from secure computation for Internet of Things to privacy at smart homes...  
Nancy Mogire
Former research student. Interested in cryptographic protocols for web applications...
Whitfield Diffie
Member. Visiting Professor at Royal-Holloway...
Christina Vasilakopoulou
Former postdoc. Christina’s interests lie in Category Theory, especially monoidal and enriched categories...
Christian Collberg
Member. Christian's main interest is the Man-At-The-End Attack...
Peter-Michael Seidel
Member. Interested in computer arithmetic, hardware security, formal methods....
Muzamil Yahia
Research Student. Interested in cryptography, game theory and algorithmic information theory...
Rui Zhang
Rui's research interests are security and privacy in wireless/mobile networks...
Fred Piper
Member. Fred advises across all research areas...
Dusko Pavlovic
Founder. Dusko is interested in security and adaptation...